Friday, December 5, 2014

Updates and News: What's Going On With This Blog And At Hartford Ballroom

 Hey dancers!  Here's a much-belated post that I've been meaning to put up all week.

So you might have noticed that I posted very little last month.  Unfortunately, I think I bit off a little more than I can chew with this blog, and with a sudden upsurge in private lessons, I found myself with very little time to keep this blog updated.  That "dance events in 4 states" thing has turned out to be my worst nightmare!  Somehow, my book blog is a whole lot easier to work with than my dance blog, even though that one requires more posts.  So I'm going to make some changes to make things easier and more streamlined.

Some Blog Changes

1.  Reducing The Dance Events:  
Okay, I really went in over my head with this one.  I was too ambitious and posted too many to keep track of.  So I'm getting rid of the majority of events for New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and posting mostly for Connecticut events.  If the event is out of state, I won't post it unless I receive a recommendation or a schedule from someone.  There will be new pages posted real soon; I have all the information I want to post, I just need to sit down and post it!

2.  Classes And Workshops:  
I'm getting rid of the Classes and Workshops page.  It's just too much!  If I see a workshop flyer at a dance somewhere, I'll just make a post of it and label it "Workshops".  If you want to look up a workshop outside of the studio, just look to the right of the webpage at the sidebar.  There's a gadget there called "Labels".  Just click on the label you want, and you'll end up seeing all of the posts that have that label.  So if you clicked on "Workshop", you'll see all the workshop posts I've written up!
My brother and I are starting to teach a bunch of workshops now, however, so I will have a workshop page for our classes.  I plan on doing a whole bunch of workshops (at least one a month), so I'll be posting them on my own page.

3.  One Monthly Post For Dance Events:  
Once again, the dance events stuff got too overwhelming, so I think I'm going to try post dance events once a month.  Keep in mind too that unexpected cancellations and changes can happen with an event, so check their websites before heading out, just to make sure.

4. New Lesson Recap Page: 
To make things easier to find, I've created a recap page.  On it, you'll find links for the step lists.  I'll also post recap videos of my workshops on this page so that you may have a reference video.
Some people have asked me if I could post a video of the dance steps done in our weekly dance classes.  My answer for now is no.  At this point, it's more of a time issue: I can't make these videos by myself, and my schedule doesn't always coincide with my family members, so finding the time to make a decent video would be difficult.  It's something I'm considering to try and do in the future, but for now we just don't have the time.

5. Book Appointment Update: 
In the past few weeks, some of my students have had trouble with the "Book Appointment" button.  I think the issue is with outdated Internet Explorer browsers.  Sometimes the appointment page just won't work, and once it seems that it booked an appointment without notifying me, so my student came to the studio and I was at home, completely unaware that I was supposed to be teaching.  Internet Explorer seems to be the only browser with this issue, so if that's your main browser, just be aware of the issue, and text me to make sure everything is working fine if you're trying to set up a lesson.

Okay, that's it for updates!  Keep your eyes peeled for this month's step lists and dance events!

-Lisa Spiro

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